Ajax FireProtect Smoke Alarms

FireProtect by Ajax is a wireless fire detector with temperature sensor that monitors security in the room twenty four hours a day and immediately notifies of smoke and sharp jumps in temperature.

Fire Detection

FireProtect detects smoke with a photoelectric sensor. If no smoke is emitted, the heat sensor registers a temperature increase. When the temperature exceeds 60°С or rises by 30°С during 30 minutes, the detector recognizes this as a temperature spike and activates an alarm.

False Alarm Prevention

To filter false alarms, the detector uses the HazeFlow algorithm – a software solution to verify the presence of smoke. The system will ignore the first smoke alarm and will raise the alarm if the detector registers smoke after 30 seconds during the second check.

Interconnected Fire Alarms

The detector supports interconnected fire alarms: the feature activates built-in buzzers of all fire detectors in the system if at least one of them is triggered. In case of a fire, this allows alerting as many people as possible. Interconnected fire alarms are supported by FireProtect.